What is The Mystery Box & How To Open It In Pokemon Go?
Mystery box of Pokemon Go explained. We will guide you everything about the mystery box feature of Pokemon Go. What is the mystery box? what are its uses, and how to use it in the game? Stay in tuned till the last para of this article for in-depth knowledge of Pokemon go mystery box feature.
What is The Mystery Box in Pokemon Go?
The mystery box is a rare item of pokemon go game that gives you chance to catch mythical pokemon Meltan after it gets activated. It also gives you extra bonus of farming xp, stardust, hunting hundo pokemon and ease useful tasks. You can catch Meltan every 45 seconds appear in a wild.
Although it takes some hard luck to find a hundo Meltan, Some users have cracked it.
Features of Mystery Box:
- It can only spawn Meltan pokemon
- It is not related to walking with your buddy pokemon, you can still catch Meltan by staying at one place
- The Mystery box can lasts for 1 hour only, you have to find your Meltan whether it is hundo or not within these 60 minutes
- You can earn extra xp and stardust within this 1 hour
- Once Mystery box is used you have to wait for 3 days for another Mystery box. (You have to send another pokemon to other game as previously done for getting first Mystery box because it is necessary)
- The shiny version of Meltan is available only in special events.
How To Get Mystery Box?
- First of all you should have at least one pokemon registered in your Pokedex
- After that send your pokemon from Pokemon go game to Pokemon Home, Pokemon go Pikachu!, or Pokemon go Eevee! game
- You will get one mystery box after successfully transferring your pokemon as described above
- You can use your Mystery box once in a 3 days.
When It Should Be Activated?
After you transferred your pokemon successfully you will get one Mystery box in pokemon go account. You can use it anytime when you get it.
How Much Mystery Box Can Be Claimed at a Time?
Only one Mystery box can be claimed at a time.
How Many Mystery Box Can be Retained?
You can earn multiple Mystery box in your Pokemon go account but can use only one in every 3 days.
How To Get Shiny Meltan From Mystery Box?
- Open Pokemon go game in your device (Android or iOS)
- Tap on the Ball icon and open the main menu in-game
- Now, Click on setting icon and scroll to bottom
- Click on ‘Pokemon Home’ button and sign in with Nintendo account to link with POGO account
- After successfully linking of POGO and Pokemon Home account again Go to Pokemon Home section in your Pokemon Go account
- Click on ‘Send Pokemon’ button and transfer your lowest useful pokemon to your pokemon home account
- After transfer gets finished you will get 1 pokemon go Mystery box in your bag
- Open your Mystery box and activate it to spawn the Meltan pokemon
- If you’re lucky then you will get shiny version of Meltan in a wild
- Try and try until you get shiny version because Mystery box duration is 1 hour and in every 45 seconds you will see 1 Meltan in a wild.
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