Level 50 Premium Account For Sale
278 Million XP
Total 7138 Pokemons (Only 296 are Traded From These)
851 Legendary Pokemons
231 Shadow Pokemons
1632 Shinies
1590 Event Specials
17 Location Background Pokemons
9 Special Background Pokemons
34 Dynamax Pokemons
51 Purified Pokemons
84 Mythical Pokemons (Mew Included)
2 Armored Mewtwo (Tradable)
138 Lucky Pokemons
103 Buddies
25 Adventure Effect Pokemons
3028 Can Evolve and 302 Can Mega Evolve Pokemons
Instant delivery after payment available. (Paypal Accepted)
Place your order through Whatsapp to get the payment details.
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